Ometepe delegates perform the Nicaraguan National Anthem during their 2016 trip for the Sister Islands Association's 30th anniversary.

As 2019 draws to a close, the Sister Islands Association is planning two delegations — one involving our office staff, the other for Ometepe teachers who instruct students in English.

Our office manager on Ometepe, Dora Gutierrez, along with Scholarship Coordinator Santiago Triquero and psychologist Karla Varela, have visas in hand for their staff delegation in December. We had hoped to also bring Claribel Gutierrez, a sign language interpreter, but the U.S. Embassy denied her a visa even after a second interview and very strong recommendation letters. The staff delegation is set for Dec. 11 to 28.

The Sister Islands Association has also invited four Ometepe teachers to visit Bainbridge, in keeping with our long-standing tradition of bringing English teachers to Bainbridge for extended stays. They will travel to Bainbridge on Dec. 11, along with the office staff, but they will stay longer, returning on Jan. 9.

A calendar of events for both delegations will be updated when plans need to change, even on short notice. Everyone is welcome to join the delegates for events that are at public venues.


Noe learns how to make pizza during the 2016 delegation to Bainbridge.

Susan Bisnet shows 2016 delegates the Bainbridge library.