“Our Silent World’ photo show
“Our Silent World” is an exhibition of photographs taken by 15 deaf children on Ometepe Island through a project jointly sponsored by the Bainbridge Ometepe Sister Islands Association and the Bainbridge Island Photo Club.
30th anniversary delegates
The heart of our Sister Islands’ relationship occurs when people from both islands spend time together in each others’ homes and communities. Twelve Ometepinos will have that opportunity when we celebrate our 30th anniversary this year.
Thank you to the Traveler!
For the 20th year, The Traveler is donating 5 percent of their December sales to benefit school libraries on Ometepe. The travel-supply company’s partnership with Sister Islands’ libraries is one of the longest-standing organizational relationships the Sister Islands has fostered.
Coffee Delegation, November 2015
Would you like to pick some of the coffee beans that will end up in your cup of Cafe Oro? Meet the farmers and learn more about the Sister Islands’ coffee connections? Join a delegation to Ometepe in November, 2015.
Ometepe camera project video
This video by Brenda Berry is a quick look at a what happens when you travel to Ometepe and give cameras and teach photography to a group of deaf and hearing-impaired kids. This was a project of the Bainbridge Ometepe
Special Needs Delegation, 2015
In January, a Special Needs Delegation of 11 people spent about two weeks on Ometepe. They were very busy!